wwoooooohhh... scary times are here..
nahh.. i'm not so fond of Halloween , but I just noticed that everybody is so into this.
well, why not? it's one of those times that you are given time to dress up in scary costumes..
talk about scary stories and... drink a lot!
hahhahhaa.. i'm a kid at heart.. my idea of halloween is simply.. trick or treat!
minus the "trick " part.. it's all the "treat!" "treat!" "treat!"
it's not even close to scary.. it's fun..
I have this very cute memory of us doing trick or treat.. it was the costume, plus all the the candies.. goodies.. chocolates.. and friends laughing.. and friends eating.. aahhh...
ahh.. those were the times..
poof! back to now.. it's halloween.. no more parties for me..
it's time to pay the bills..
hmmm... cant we be kids again..i want ..i want.. to go trick or treat!
i will..i will.. i'll find a way.. hahahahahahaha!
so yeah.. behind the tough act.. i am a kid at heart..