sunday night is almost ending. 4 hours to go and its gonna be the start of another busy week. just last friday I started my 2-day rest day. ohh, it went by fine nothing eventful..except that when bedtime came and i was in my just surfing the net, when my kid brother barged into my room. hmm..at first, i pretended i did not see him. he feels all grown up (even at 8 years old) and he is not so into the idea od sleeping in my bed anymore.. so he came in, lay down on my bed.1 minute..2 minutes..10..until i can tell that he was getting sleepy..and so,to save his"ego" i got his pillows from the the other room told him to move over so that i can still have some space. hahaha! and he just moved, within seconds he was fast asleep.
*sigh* i was looking at him.watching him sleep. that weird feeling moved inside me again. i know im not his mom. im only his eldest sister..probably his favorite sister.. but with him growing up i can feel what it is to be a "parent".you see, we are very close.. our age gap is 16 years apart.. that's far enough for me to be his "young mom" ..but no, i am just his elder" favorite sister! hahahaha! he has another sister, the one next to me.. they bond in a different way. she was into the more fun stuff.. with me (both of them) its with the serious stuff..like school, sports.values.. oh you know the typical boring stuff.. im even aware that they call me " tiger sister" ! hahaha! im the "fire breathing sister"
sometimes.. most of thetimes im the villain of the story.. hahahaha! but i know they know i love them..
( *teary teary eyes*)
my brother, i am so fond of him.my mom and my dad knows, even my sister is jealous of him. but i cant help it. i take him as my own kid. he is not the "angel" sort of kid. one that does not make mistakes. in fact he is a highly stubborn kid. we fight! oh yes we fight.. but i dont mind it.at a young age. he is a very smart kid already, very independent kid. At age 8, he knows that we, his elder sisters, should be at home already before 9pm. after that he knows we are violating rules again. at age 8, before he sleeps or even when he is asleep already he wakes up to check if our windows are closed and if our doors are bolted already. and at the age 8, he seems to know that , aside from dad, he is the next guy in the family.and that he is responsible for us ladies in the family.. that is at age 8.. that is why, even at his stubborness, i cant stop being proud of him. i expect a lot from him. i wonder if he can feel the pressure.
sometimes i forget that he is still a kid. and that no matter how mature he is , he is just 8 years old..
i call him "kuya" . even at 8 years old.. he has been a "MAN " for me.. more than the other guys i've met..
for that i'm thankful..
thank you , jboy
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